Program Evaluation

Quantitative and Qualitative Measures 

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Glymph & Associates’ has a reputation of interpreting findings and making meaning of data to all levels of stakeholders. Our approach is to utilize data to empower and grow organizations, leaders, and the greater community.

We are conscientious and highly experienced evaluators who apply evaluation approaches in meaningful ways for clients.  We enjoy using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches in your evaluation work.  We are skilled at identifying the resources needed for an evaluation and producing evaluation results that are useful and accurate.

We are an independent consulting company that works primarily with organizations across the country to evaluate programs. Our company consists of evaluators and developers. We conduct formative and summarative evaluations for both program improvement and accountability purposes.  We are committed to conducting utilization-focused evaluations tailored to the needs of our clients.

Some of the entities we have provided services to:

Technical College System of Georgia


Evaluation of the Technical College System of Georgia’s Accelerating Opportunity grant.  The grant was implemented collectively by Technical College institutions and community partners to assist adult education students to acquire both their high school equivalency and Technical college certifications in a reduced time frame. 


Accelerating Opportunity had a statewide scope and worked to implement initiatives which increased the number of adults who earned marketable, stack-able, credit-bearing certificates and degrees.

National CASA



Evaluation of the National CASA Fostering Futures curriculum. The Fostering Futures Program was a new initiative that sought to expand the organization’s work with older youth.  The Fostering Futures curriculum moves older youth one step closer to their goal of improved educational, healthy relationship, and independence outcomes.  The rigorous curriculum emphasizes exposure and making batter choices to prepare the older youth for life after they are emancipated, “out-of-the-system”. 


Glymph and Associates conducted an external evaluation the implementation of the National CASA Fostering Futures curriculum.

Truly Living Well


Evaluation of the Growing Families program. The program was funded by the Kellogg Foundation, Growing Families taught mothers best practices in urban agriculture, job readiness soft skills, financial literacy, and entrepreneurial skills. The model was specifically designed to assist mothers in acquiring tangible skills, while also improving their food choices. 


Glymph and Associates conducted an external evaluation of Growing Families to assess the outcomes of the mothers it served. With this enhanced understanding, the lessons learned through the study could effectively inform future implementations of Growing Families and other urban agriculture programs nationally.


Evaluation of the TEEMS AmeriCorps service program. The Georgia State University program, seeks to impact urban education, particularly in STEM related areas. The program uses AmeriCorps members to serve students through 1) STEM Programming/Classroom Assistance, 2) After-School Programming, and 3) Summer STEM Programming.


Glymph and Associates conducted an external evaluation of the program to determine if the TEEMS AmeriCorps service program was being implemented properly, to document any significant variations from the Program, and to note the reasons for such variations.  In addition, the evaluation documented any challenges identified during the implementation process, e.g. program resources, program structure, commitment of students, school staff, and organizational support. The evaluation provided information for future program needs and program improvement, as well help the TEEMS AmeriCorps service program team to identify program strengths and weaknesses.


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We help organizations document their success for program improvement and funding.  We can strengthen your capacity to create clear, measurable impact, and help manage your performance. That’s why we offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.